Key features of product and packaging labels

The huge diversity of economic life gives a lot of scope for label designers and printers. These small packaging elements play a key role in the process of distribution and advertising. In today's article we will focus on the most important functions of goods labeling systems in modern business.
What is the primary function of the labels?
Speaking of various methods of product labeling, their informational role comes to the fore. Conveying specific content about the product dominates the considerations of users and legislators. The latter group seeks to standardize labeling designs to make the logistical stage as simple and credible as possible.
The informative functions of labels focus on providing such data as the name of the manufacturer, physical characteristics of the product, material composition, correct usage, etc. It is worth noting that this knowledge turns out to be absolutely essential for consumers and allows them to safely use the goods they purchase.
The labels on the packaging integrate an individual barcode that guarantees automatic reading in a warehouse or retail store. Correct identification requires legibility of the print and resistance of the marking material to adverse factors. For this reason, most manufacturers use the offer of professional label printing houses, where they receive comprehensive consulting and design support.
Functions of labels in the legal context
When developing the layout of product labeling, current regulations must be strictly followed. EU directives and national regulations specify the scope of labeled information for each industry. Mistakes at this stage often prove to be extremely costly; inspection authorities show no small commitment to imposing financial penalties on entrepreneurs who have failed to ensure correct labeling.
Food manufacturers can expect the most stringent inspections. This is understandable - after all, food products have a direct impact on consumer health. Viewing the labeling of goods solely through a legislative prism is considered an insufficient description of a complex reality. However, lack of knowledge of community regulations generates considerable problems with suppliers and institutions. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the correctness, completeness and legality of every scrap of the label's surface.
Functions of labels in product promotion
Not all companies are aware of the enormous marketing potential of modern labelling. Product promotion now uses every possible means to reach consumers' awareness. The quality and aesthetics of the outer packaging is the manufacturer's calling card and often determines whether a product is put into the shopping basket. Tasteful integration of the label into the packaging material (e.g. shrink-wrap labelling) ensures that the item stands out on the shelf.
Graphic label design touches upon a wide area of knowledge in IT, marketing, technology and the psychology of customer behaviors. It therefore seems reasonable to outsource this challenging task to specialists with many years of experience and an extensive portfolio. Cooperation with AZ Color's experts provides a guarantee that the order will be completed from A to Z.
The label as an aid to increasing sales
Reaching this part of the article means that you already know what the function of labels is within several key contexts. Information, validation, promotion - these are the foundations of reliable product logistics. Customers appreciate a manufacturer's effort in creating interesting information material. The whole magic of visual promotion lies in influencing the subconscious of buyers and building a professional image in their minds.
Labels are playing a very important role in this process. They attract attention, educate the consumer about the use of the products and stimulate needs. At the same time, they enable quick identification of goods on the production line and improve distribution. Experience the breadth of AZ Color's offering as a designer and printer of the best labels on the market. Find out more from the other articles on our blog, where we explain the various technological nuances and suggest choosing the optimal solutions.