The product label - what should it contain?

The design and implementation of an in-line product labeling system is subject to a number of legal regulations. EU legislation forces entrepreneurs to standardize the labeling process. This approach results in improved safety for consumers and reduced logistical problems. So what should be on the packaging and what should the product label contain? What information should be conveyed to the end consumer so that he or she has the opportunity to make an informed purchasing decision?
What is a product label?
Before we get into the merits of this article, it is worth first clearly defining the term "label". What is a product label?
By this term we refer to all kinds of marking accessories that contain a consistent graphic design and describe the product specifications. The properties of product labels give them special importance in the business world. These inconspicuous products contain a lot of functionality. They make it possible to meet the legal requirements for information, and they are a key link in the marketing strategy and in increasing sales.
Thus, a label is standardized information printed on a product's packaging. The creation and implementation of the label design is one of the responsibilities of the producer. Due to economic and time advantages, most factories choose to outsource label making to a professional third-party printer.
What legislation influences the final design of the product label?
The various characteristics and graphic elements of the modern label are not a coincidence. Their creation is the result of national and EU recommendations. Some legal standards in this area date back 60 years, such as the Civil Code of 1964. Products contain specific information on the outer packaging, which focuses on conveying knowledge to the consumer about their purpose and use.
European Union legislation takes the issue of labels with due importance. The legislative environment in Community countries begins with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the provision of food information to consumers of October 25, 2011. As the title itself says, it applies to food products. However, the provisions themselves give a general overview for the entire market, including the design of labels for industrial purposes.
Meanwhile, the EP Regulation No. 1272/2008 of December 16, 2008 on the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures is becoming a guidance for the chemical industry. The provisions of this document focus on standardizing information about the properties of a product that can cause direct danger to users. Labels on chemical products must instruct customers on how to use the product safely and detail potential risk factors.
The regulation mentioned here primarily concerns hazardous substances and mixtures, explosives and other products that endanger the life or health of humans and animals. You probably already realize that the graphic design that any product label contains must comply with complex legal standards. Labeling systems are fundamental to safety and reducing abuse, which is why they are the subject of increased attention from EU and state authorities.
What does the product label contain?
So what does labeling consist of? What does a label for a product approved for marketing on EU markets contain? First of all, we will find on it the name of the product and the identification data of the manufacturer. It is difficult to imagine food or chemical products without a clear indication of composition and properties. In the case of industrial product labels, we can expect information about the functions and safe use of the equipment.
Many types of products have strictly defined criteria for consumer suitability. The graphic design of the label should nicely integrate this information into the visual setting of the labeling, ensuring the legibility and durability of the print. If storage conditions affect the product's failure-free performance over the long term, the manufacturing company is obliged to provide such information on the label.
The country of origin of the product and the production lot number also remain extremely important. These two categories of data are responsible for the transparency of information in the logistics process. Due to the complexity of the required elements and the need to integrate them into an interesting graphic layout, it is worth leaving the design of the product label to the experts. Establishing cooperation with a professional printing company with a comprehensive offer solves many legal and organizational problems that have a tendency to quickly turn into downtime on the production line.
>>> also read about Most important features of product labels
What should a good label design include?
The formal issues do not define all the requirements for the developers of the labeling system. It should be remembered that the label should not only be accurate, but, above all, visually interesting, legible and understandable to any recipient. After all, the packaging of the product has a key marketing function and builds brand recognition in the eyes of potential consumers.
The multitude of visual objects in a big-box store makes it much more difficult to stand out from the competition. Therefore, the production of an eye-catching label design places the manufacturer in an advantageous position and enables it to improve sales results. Modern label production technologies make it possible to create and implement unconventional designs. The results of research in the area of consumer behavior psychology clearly prove the validity of a comprehensive approach to labeling.
Finally, the implementation of the project must be based on durable materials, adapted to the challenges of transporting and storing products. Prolonged exposure to difficult weather conditions can destroy a poorly chosen label and prevent batch identification in the logistics process.
Check out AZ Color printer's label offerings and get expert support.